
The Greatest Hard Rock & Heavy Metal Albums of All Time

Reviewed. Rated. Ranked.

Welcome to the online home of Enter Sadmen - the loudest podcast on Planet Earth

At Enter Sadmen, our aim is to review, rate and rank the best rock and metal albums released between 1970 and 1995 - track by track.

Look at any online list of the ‘best’ hard rock, heavy metal and prog rock albums of all time and chances are that it’s an arbitrary one, usually determined by the wheat on the album and ignoring, in whole or in part, the chaff. And yes, we’re definitely looking at you right now, Physical Graffiti.

And then there are the snob lists compiled by music journos who’d rather eat their own heads than put Mötley Crüe in their preciously pretentious collections.

Now, we’re not saying you’re going to agree with our list, either. But if nothing else, it’s a list that, for better or for worse, takes into account every last note on each album. Consistency is king at Enter Sadmen, kids! You may very well have Seek and Destroy on your album, but if you’ve also seen fit to put Anaesthesia (Pulling Teeth) on there, then the chances are it’s going to pay a small price for your self-indulgence.

In every show we review three albums and distil the argument into a regular podcast episode.

Oh, and a word about the dates. Truth is, we had to start and finish somewhere. So the only arbitrary thing about the Hall of Fame is that we picked Paranoid as the jumping off point and Load as the final destination. But rules are there to be broken, so we’ll be sure to subvert our own policy from time to time for the obvious picks that fall outside those chronological parameters. In fact, the eagle-eyed among you will have realised we’ve already driven a coach and horses through the chronology rule by identifying Load - released in 1996, not 1995 - as the end point (though in our defence, of the nine months Metallica spent recording it, seven of them fell in 1995).

Anyway, if you’ve got this far, then there’s a better than evens chance that you love this stuff as much as or even more than we do, so enjoy the show! And if you’ve got something to say about the scores or rankings, or if you want to recommend three albums for us to review, drop us a line. Just play nice - because we’re fans, too.

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